Documentation for the pip accelerator API

On this page you can find the complete API documentation of pip-accel 0.43.

A note about backwards compatibility

Please note that pip-accel has not yet reached a 1.0 version and until that time arbitrary changes to the API can be made. To clarify that statement:

  • On the one hand I value API stability and I’ve built a dozen tools on top of pip-accel myself so I don’t think too lightly about breaking backwards compatibility :-)
  • On the other hand if I see opportunities to simplify the code base or make things more robust I will go ahead and do it. Furthermore the implementation of pip-accel is dictated (to a certain extent) by pip and this certainly influences the API. For example API changes may be necessary to facilitate the upgrade to pip 1.5.x (the current version of pip-accel is based on pip 1.4.x).

In pip-accel 0.16 a completely new API was introduced and support for the old “API” was dropped. The goal of the new API is to last for quite a while but of course only time will tell if that plan is going to work out :-)

The Python API of pip-accel

Here are the relevant Python modules that make up pip-accel:


Top level functionality of pip-accel.

The Python module pip_accel defines the classes that implement the top level functionality of the pip accelerator. Instead of using the pip-accel command you can also use the pip accelerator as a Python module, in this case you’ll probably want to start by taking a look at the PipAccelerator class.

Wheel support

During the upgrade to pip 6 support for installation of wheels was added to pip-accel. The pip-accel command line program now downloads and installs wheels when available for a given requirement, but part of pip-accel’s Python API defaults to the more conservative choice of allowing callers to opt-in to wheel support.

This is because previous versions of pip-accel would only download source distributions and pip-accel provides the functionality to convert those source distributions to “dumb binary distributions”. This functionality is exposed to callers who may depend on this mode of operation. So for now users of the Python API get to decide whether they’re interested in wheels or not.

Setuptools upgrade

If the requirement set includes wheels and setuptools >= 0.8 is not yet installed, it will be added to the requirement set and installed together with the other requirement(s) in order to enable the usage of distributions installed from wheels (their metadata is different).

class pip_accel.PipAccelerator(config, validate=True)

Accelerator for pip, the Python package manager.

The PipAccelerator class brings together the top level logic of pip-accel. This top level logic was previously just a collection of functions but that became more unwieldy as the amount of internal state increased. The PipAccelerator class is intended to make it (relatively) easy to build something on top of pip and pip-accel.

__init__(config, validate=True)

Initialize the pip accelerator.


Make sure sys.prefix matches $VIRTUAL_ENV (if defined).

This may seem like a strange requirement to dictate but it avoids hairy issues like documented here.

The most sneaky thing is that pip doesn’t have this problem (de-facto) because virtualenv copies pip wherever it goes... (pip-accel on the other hand has to be installed by the user).


Automatically create local directories required by pip-accel.


Cleanup broken symbolic links in the local source distribution index.

The purpose of this method requires some context to understand. Let me preface this by stating that I realize I’m probably overcomplicating things, but I like to preserve forward / backward compatibility when possible and I don’t feel like dropping everyone’s locally cached source distribution archives without a good reason to do so. With that out of the way:

  • Versions of pip-accel based on pip 1.4.x maintained a local source distribution index based on a directory containing symbolic links pointing directly into pip’s download cache. When files were removed from pip’s download cache, broken symbolic links remained in pip-accel’s local source distribution index directory. This resulted in very confusing error messages. To avoid this clean_source_index() cleaned up broken symbolic links whenever pip-accel was about to invoke pip.
  • More recent versions of pip (6.x) no longer support the same style of download cache that contains source distribution archives that can be re-used directly by pip-accel. To cope with the changes in pip 6.x new versions of pip-accel tell pip to download source distribution archives directly into the local source distribution index directory maintained by pip-accel.
  • It is very reasonable for users of pip-accel to have multiple versions of pip-accel installed on their system (imagine a dozen Python virtual environments that won’t all be updated at the same time; this is the situation I always find myself in :-). These versions of pip-accel will be sharing the same local source distribution index directory.
  • All of this leads up to the local source distribution index directory containing a mixture of symbolic links and regular files with no obvious way to atomically and gracefully upgrade the local source distribution index directory while avoiding fights between old and new versions of pip-accel :-).
  • I could of course switch to storing the new local source distribution index in a differently named directory (avoiding potential conflicts between multiple versions of pip-accel) but then I would have to introduce a new configuration option, otherwise everyone who has configured pip-accel to store its source index in a non-default location could still be bitten by compatibility issues.

For now I’ve decided to keep using the same directory for the local source distribution index and to keep cleaning up broken symbolic links. This enables cooperating between old and new versions of pip-accel and avoids trashing user’s local source distribution indexes. The main disadvantage is that pip-accel is still required to clean up broken symbolic links...

install_from_arguments(arguments, **kw)

Download, unpack, build and install the specified requirements.

This function is a simple wrapper for get_requirements(), install_requirements() and cleanup_temporary_directories() that implements the default behavior of the pip accelerator. If you’re extending or embedding pip-accel you may want to call the underlying methods instead.

If the requirement set includes wheels and setuptools >= 0.8 is not yet installed, it will be added to the requirement set and installed together with the other requirement(s) in order to enable the usage of distributions installed from wheels (their metadata is different).

  • arguments – The command line arguments to pip install .. (a list of strings).
  • kw – Any keyword arguments are passed on to install_requirements().

The result of install_requirements().


Check whether setuptools should be upgraded to >= 0.8 for wheel support.

Returns:True when setuptools 0.8 or higher is already installed, False otherwise (it needs to be upgraded).
get_requirements(arguments, max_retries=None, use_wheels=False)

Use pip to download and unpack the requested source distribution archives.

  • arguments – The command line arguments to pip install ... (a list of strings).
  • max_retries – The maximum number of times that pip will be asked to download distribution archives (this helps to deal with intermittent failures). If this is None then max_retries is used.
  • use_wheels – Whether pip and pip-accel are allowed to use wheels (False by default for backwards compatibility with callers that use pip-accel as a Python API).


Requirements which are already installed are not included in the result. If this breaks your use case consider using pip’s --ignore-installed option.


Change pathnames of local files into file:// URLs with #md5=... fragments.

Parameters:arguments – The command line arguments to pip install ... (a list of strings).
Returns:A copy of the command line arguments with pathnames of local files rewritten to file:// URLs.

When pip-accel calls pip to download missing distribution archives and the user specified the pathname of a local distribution archive on the command line, pip will (by default) not copy the archive into the download directory if an archive for the same package name and version is already present.

This can lead to the confusing situation where the user specifies a local distribution archive to install, a different (older) archive for the same package and version is present in the download directory and pip-accel installs the older archive instead of the newer archive.

To avoid this confusing behavior, the decorate_arguments() method rewrites the command line arguments given to pip install so that pathnames of local archives are changed into file:// URLs that include a fragment with the hash of the file’s contents. Here’s an example:

  • Local pathname: /tmp/pep8-1.6.3a0.tar.gz
  • File URL: file:///tmp/pep8-1.6.3a0.tar.gz#md5=19cbf0b633498ead63fb3c66e5f1caf6

When pip fills the download directory and encounters a previously cached distribution archive it will check the hash, realize the contents have changed and replace the archive in the download directory.

unpack_source_dists(arguments, use_wheels=False)

Find and unpack local source distributions and discover their metadata.

  • arguments – The command line arguments to pip install ... (a list of strings).
  • use_wheels – Whether pip and pip-accel are allowed to use wheels (False by default for backwards compatibility with callers that use pip-accel as a Python API).

A list of pip_accel.req.Requirement objects.


Any exceptions raised by pip, for example pip.exceptions.DistributionNotFound when not all requirements can be satisfied.

This function checks whether there are local source distributions available for all requirements, unpacks the source distribution archives and finds the names and versions of the requirements. By using the pip install --download command we avoid reimplementing the following pip features:

  • Parsing of requirements.txt (including recursive parsing).
  • Resolution of possibly conflicting pinned requirements.
  • Unpacking source distributions in multiple formats.
  • Finding the name & version of a given source distribution.
download_source_dists(arguments, use_wheels=False)

Download missing source distributions.

  • arguments – The command line arguments to pip install ... (a list of strings).
  • use_wheels – Whether pip and pip-accel are allowed to use wheels (False by default for backwards compatibility with callers that use pip-accel as a Python API).

Any exceptions raised by pip.

get_pip_requirement_set(arguments, use_remote_index, use_wheels=False)

Get the unpacked requirement(s) specified by the caller by running pip.

  • arguments – The command line arguments to pip install ... (a list of strings).
  • use_remote_index – A boolean indicating whether pip is allowed to connect to the main package index ( by default).
  • use_wheels – Whether pip and pip-accel are allowed to use wheels (False by default for backwards compatibility with callers that use pip-accel as a Python API).

A pip.req.RequirementSet object created by pip.


Any exceptions raised by pip.


Transform pip’s requirement set into one that pip-accel can work with.

Parameters:requirement_set – The pip.req.RequirementSet object reported by pip.
Returns:A list of pip_accel.req.Requirement objects.

This function converts the pip.req.RequirementSet object reported by pip into a list of pip_accel.req.Requirement objects.

install_requirements(requirements, **kw)

Manually install a requirement set from binary and/or wheel distributions.


The number of packages that were just installed (an integer).


Check whether the given command line arguments allow the use of wheels.

Parameters:arguments – A list of strings with command line arguments.
Returns:True if the arguments allow wheels, False if they disallow wheels.

Contrary to what the name of this method implies its implementation actually checks if the user hasn’t disallowed the use of wheels using the --no-use-wheel option (deprecated in pip 7.x) or the --no-binary=:all: option (introduced in pip 7.x). This is because wheels are “opt out” in recent versions of pip. I just didn’t like the method name arguments_dont_disallow_wheels ;-).


Create a new build directory for pip to unpack its archives.


Clear the build directory where pip unpacks the source distribution archives.


Delete the build directories and any temporary directories created by pip.


Get the pathname of the current build directory (a string).

class pip_accel.DownloadLogFilter(name='')

Rewrite log messages emitted by pip’s module.

When pip encounters hash mismatches it logs a message with the severity CRITICAL, however because of the interaction between pip-accel and pip hash mismatches are to be expected and handled gracefully (refer to decorate_arguments() for details). The DownloadLogFilter context manager changes the severity of these log messages to DEBUG in order to avoid confusing users of pip-accel.


Enable the download log filter.

__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Disable the download log filter.


Change the severity of selected log records.

class pip_accel.SetupRequiresPatch(config, created_links=None)

Monkey patch to enable caching of setup requirements.

This context manager monkey patches InstallRequirement.run_egg_info() to enable caching of setup requirements. It works by creating a symbolic link called .eggs in the source directory of unpacked Python source distributions which points to a shared directory inside the pip-accel data directory. This can only work on platforms that support os.symlink()`() but should fail gracefully elsewhere.

The SetupRequiresPatch context manager doesn’t clean up the symbolic links because doing so would remove the link when it is still being used. Instead the context manager builds up a list of created links so that pip-accel can clean these up when it is known that the symbolic links are no longer needed.

For more information about this hack please refer to issue 49.

__init__(config, created_links=None)

Initialize a SetupRequiresPatch object.

  • config – A Config object.
  • created_links – A list where newly created symbolic links are added to (so they can be cleaned up later).

Enable caching of setup requirements (by patching the run_egg_info() method).

__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Undo the changes that enable caching of setup requirements.

class pip_accel.CustomPackageFinder(find_links, index_urls, allow_all_prereleases=False, trusted_hosts=None, process_dependency_links=False, session=None, format_control=None, platform=None, versions=None, abi=None, implementation=None)

Custom pip.index.PackageFinder to keep pip off the internet.

This class customizes pip.index.PackageFinder to enforce what the --no-index option does for the default package index but doesn’t do for package indexes registered with the --index= option in requirements files. Judging by pip’s documentation the fact that this has to be monkey patched seems like a bug / oversight in pip (IMHO).


Dummy list of index URLs that is always empty.

Dummy list of dependency links that is always empty.

class pip_accel.PatchedAttribute(object, attribute, value, enabled=True)

Context manager to temporarily patch an object attribute.

This context manager changes the value of an object attribute when the context is entered and restores the original value when the context is exited.

__init__(object, attribute, value, enabled=True)

Initialize a PatchedAttribute object.

  • object – The object whose attribute should be patched.
  • attribute – The name of the attribute to be patched (a string).
  • value – The temporary value for the attribute.
  • enabledTrue to patch the attribute, False to do nothing instead. This enables conditional attribute patching while unconditionally using the with statement.

Change the object attribute when entering the context.

__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Restore the object attribute when leaving the context.

class pip_accel.AttributeOverrides(opts, **overrides)

AttributeOverrides enables overriding of object attributes.

During the pip 6.x upgrade pip-accel switched to using pip install --download which unintentionally broke backwards compatibility with previous versions of pip-accel as documented in issue 52.

The reason for this is that when pip is given the --download option it internally enables --ignore-installed (which can be problematic for certain use cases as described in issue 52). There is no documented way to avoid this behavior, so instead pip-accel resorts to monkey patching to restore backwards compatibility.

AttributeOverrides is used to replace pip’s parsed command line options object with an object that defers all attribute access (gets and sets) to the original options object but always reports ignore_installed as False, even after it was set to True by pip (as described above).

__init__(opts, **overrides)

Construct an AttributeOverrides instance.

  • opts – The object to which attribute access is deferred.
  • overrides – The attributes whose value should be overridden.

Get an attribute’s value from overrides or by deferring attribute access.

Parameters:name – The name of the attribute (a string).
Returns:The attribute’s value.
__setattr__(name, value)

Set an attribute’s value (unless it has an override).

  • name – The name of the attribute (a string).
  • value – The new value for the attribute.


Configuration handling for pip-accel.

This module defines the Config class which is used throughout the pip accelerator. At runtime an instance of Config is created and passed down like this:

digraph config_dependency_injection {
node [fontsize=10, shape=rect]

PipAccelerator -> BinaryDistributionManager
BinaryDistributionManager -> CacheManager
CacheManager -> LocalCacheBackend
CacheManager -> S3CacheBackend
BinaryDistributionManager -> SystemPackageManager

The PipAccelerator class receives its configuration object from its caller. Usually this will be main() but when pip-accel is used as a Python API the person embedding or extending pip-accel is responsible for providing the configuration object. This is intended as a form of dependency injection that enables non-default configurations to be injected into pip-accel.

Support for runtime configuration

The properties of the Config class can be set at runtime using regular attribute assignment syntax. This overrides the default values of the properties (whether based on environment variables, configuration files or hard coded defaults).

Support for configuration files

You can use a configuration file to permanently configure certain options of pip-accel. If /etc/pip-accel.conf and/or ~/.pip-accel/pip-accel.conf exist they are automatically loaded. You can also set the environment variable $PIP_ACCEL_CONFIG to load a configuration file in a non-default location. If all three files exist the system wide file is loaded first, then the user specific file is loaded and then the file set by the environment variable is loaded (duplicate settings are overridden by the configuration file that’s loaded last).

Here is an example of the available options:

auto-install = yes
max-retries = 3
data-directory = ~/.pip-accel
s3-bucket = my-shared-pip-accel-binary-cache
s3-prefix = ubuntu-trusty-amd64
s3-readonly = yes

Note that the configuration options shown above are just examples, they are not meant to represent the configuration defaults.

class pip_accel.config.Config(load_configuration_files=True, load_environment_variables=True)

Configuration of the pip accelerator.

__init__(load_configuration_files=True, load_environment_variables=True)

Initialize the configuration of the pip accelerator.

  • load_configuration_files – If this is True (the default) then configuration files in known locations are automatically loaded.
  • load_environment_variables – If this is True (the default) then environment variables are used to initialize the configuration.

A list of strings with the absolute pathnames of the available configuration files.


Load configuration defaults from a configuration file.

Parameters:configuration_file – The pathname of a configuration file (a string).
Raises:Exception when the configuration file cannot be loaded.
__setattr__(name, value)

Override the value of a property at runtime.

  • name – The name of the property to override (a string).
  • value – The overridden value of the property.
get(property_name=None, environment_variable=None, configuration_option=None, default=None)

Internal shortcut to get a configuration option’s value.

  • property_name – The name of the property that users can set on the Config class (a string).
  • environment_variable – The name of the environment variable (a string).
  • configuration_option – The name of the option in the configuration file (a string).
  • default – The default value.

The value of the environment variable or configuration file option or the default value.


The revision of the binary distribution cache format in use (an integer).

This number is encoded in the directory name of the binary cache so that multiple revisions can peacefully coexist. When pip-accel breaks backwards compatibility this number is bumped so that pip-accel starts using a new directory.


The absolute pathname of pip-accel’s source index directory (a string).

This is the sources subdirectory of data_directory.


The absolute pathname of pip-accel’s binary cache directory (a string).

This is the binaries subdirectory of data_directory.


The absolute pathname of pip-accel’s eggs cache directory (a string).

This is the eggs subdirectory of data_directory. It is used to cache setup requirements which avoids continuous rebuilding of setup requirements.


The absolute pathname of the directory where pip-accel’s data files are stored (a string).

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE
  • Configuration option: data-directory
  • Default: /var/cache/pip-accel if running as root, ~/.pip-accel otherwise

True if running on a Debian derived system, False otherwise.


The absolute pathname of the installation prefix to use (a string).

This property is based on sys.prefix except that when sys.prefix is /usr and we’re running on a Debian derived system /usr/local is used instead.

The reason for this is that on Debian derived systems only apt (dpkg) should be allowed to touch files in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages and python install knows this (see the posix_local installation scheme in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/ on Debian derived systems). Because pip-accel replaces python install it has to replicate this logic. Inferring all of this from the sysconfig module would be nice but that module wasn’t available in Python 2.6.


The absolute pathname of the Python executable (a string).


Whether automatic installation of missing system packages is enabled.

True if automatic installation of missing system packages is enabled, False if it is disabled, None otherwise (in this case the user will be prompted at the appropriate time).

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_AUTO_INSTALL (refer to coerce_boolean() for details on how the value of the environment variable is interpreted)
  • Configuration option: auto-install (also parsed using coerce_boolean())
  • Default: None

The format of log messages written to the terminal.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_LOG_FORMAT
  • Configuration option: log-format

The verbosity of log messages written to the terminal.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_LOG_VERBOSITY
  • Configuration option: log-verbosity
  • Default: ‘INFO’ (a string).

The number of times to retry pip install --download if it fails.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_MAX_RETRIES
  • Configuration option: max-retries
  • Default: 3

Whether to trust file modification times for cache invalidation.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_TRUST_MOD_TIMES
  • Configuration option: trust-mod-times
  • Default: True unless the AppVeyor continuous integration
    environment is detected (see issue 62).

The URL of the Amazon S3 API endpoint to use.

By default this points to the official Amazon S3 API endpoint. You can change this option if you’re running a local Amazon S3 compatible storage service that you want pip-accel to use.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_URL
  • Configuration option: s3-url
  • Default:

For details please refer to the pip_accel.caches.s3 module.


Name of Amazon S3 bucket where binary distributions are cached (a string or None).

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_BUCKET
  • Configuration option: s3-bucket
  • Default: None

For details please refer to the pip_accel.caches.s3 module.


Whether to automatically create the Amazon S3 bucket when it’s missing.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_CREATE_BUCKET
  • Configuration option: s3-create-bucket
  • Default: False

For details please refer to the pip_accel.caches.s3 module.


Cache prefix for binary distribution archives in Amazon S3 bucket (a string or None).

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_PREFIX
  • Configuration option: s3-prefix
  • Default: None

For details please refer to the pip_accel.caches.s3 module.


Whether the Amazon S3 bucket is considered read only.

If this is True then the Amazon S3 bucket will only be used for get() operations (all put() operations will be disabled).

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_READONLY (refer to coerce_boolean() for details on how the value of the environment variable is interpreted)
  • Configuration option: s3-readonly (also parsed using coerce_boolean())
  • Default: False

For details please refer to the pip_accel.caches.s3 module.


The socket timeout in seconds for connections to Amazon S3 (an integer).

This value is injected into Boto’s configuration to override the default socket timeout used for connections to Amazon S3.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_TIMEOUT
  • Configuration option: s3-timeout
  • Default: 60 (Boto’s default)

The number of times to retry failed requests to Amazon S3 (an integer).

This value is injected into Boto’s configuration to override the default number of times to retry failed requests to Amazon S3.

  • Environment variable: $PIP_ACCEL_S3_RETRIES
  • Configuration option: s3-retries
  • Default: 5 (Boto’s default)


Simple wrapper for pip and pkg_resources Requirement objects.

After downloading the specified requirement(s) pip reports a “requirement set” to pip-accel. In the past pip-accel would summarize this requirement set into a list of tuples, where each tuple would contain a requirement’s project name, version and source directory (basically only the information required by pip-accel remained).

Recently I’ve started using pip-accel as a library in another project I’m working on (not yet public) and in that project I am very interested in whether a given requirement is a direct or transitive requirement. Unfortunately pip-accel did not preserve this information.

That’s when I decided that next to pip’s pip.req.InstallRequirement and setuptools’ pkg_resources.Requirement I would introduce yet another type of requirement object... It’s basically just a summary of the other two types of requirement objects and it also provides access to the original requirement objects (for those who are interested; the interfaces are basically undocumented AFAIK).

class pip_accel.req.Requirement(config, requirement)

Simple wrapper for the requirement objects defined by pip and setuptools.

__init__(config, requirement)

Initialize a requirement object.

  • config – A Config object.
  • requirement – A pip.req.InstallRequirement object.

Generate a human friendly representation of a requirement object.


The name of the Python package (a string).

This is the name used to register a package on PyPI and the name reported by commands like pip freeze. Based on pkg_resources.Requirement.project_name.


The version of the package that pip wants to install (a string).


The pathnames of the source distribution(s) for this requirement (a list of strings).


This property is very new in pip-accel and its logic may need some time to mature. For now any misbehavior by this property shouldn’t be too much of a problem because the pathnames reported by this property are only used for cache invalidation (see the last_modified and checksum properties).


The last modified time of the requirement’s source distribution archive(s) (a number).

The value of this property is based on the related_archives property. If no related archives are found the current time is reported. In the balance between not invalidating cached binary distributions enough and invalidating them too frequently, this property causes the latter to happen.


The SHA1 checksum of the requirement’s source distribution archive(s) (a string).

The value of this property is based on the related_archives property. If no related archives are found the SHA1 digest of the empty string is reported.


The pathname of the directory containing the unpacked source distribution (a string).

This is the directory that contains a script. Based on pip.req.InstallRequirement.source_dir.


True when the requirement is a wheel, False otherwise.


To my surprise it seems to be non-trivial to determine whether a given pip.req.InstallRequirement object produced by pip’s internal Python API concerns a source distribution or a wheel distribution.

There’s a pip.req.InstallRequirement.is_wheel property but I’m currently looking at a wheel distribution whose is_wheel property returns None, apparently because the requirement’s url property is also None.

Whether this is an obscure implementation detail of pip or caused by the way pip-accel invokes pip, I really can’t tell (yet).


Whether the dependency is transitive (indirect).

True when the requirement is a transitive dependency (a dependency of a dependency) or False when the requirement is a direct dependency (specified on pip’s command line or in a requirements.txt file). Based on pip.req.InstallRequirement.comes_from.


The opposite of Requirement.is_transitive.


Whether the requirement should be installed in editable mode.

True when the requirement is to be installed in editable mode (i.e. setuptools “develop mode”). Based on pip.req.InstallRequirement.editable.


Get the distribution metadata of an unpacked source distribution.


Get the distribution metadata of an unpacked wheel distribution.


Render a human friendly string describing the requirement.

class pip_accel.req.TransactionalUpdate(requirement)

Context manager that enables transactional package upgrades.


Initialize a TransactionalUpdate object.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.

Prepare package upgrades by removing conflicting installations.

__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Finalize or rollback a package upgrade.


Escape a requirement’s name for use in a regular expression.

This backslash-escapes all non-alphanumeric characters and replaces dashes and underscores with a character class that matches a dash or underscore (effectively treating dashes and underscores equivalently).

Parameters:requirement_name – The name of the requirement (a string).
Returns:The requirement’s name as a regular expression (a string).

Used by escape_name() to treat dashes and underscores as equivalent.

Parameters:match – A regular expression match object that captured a single character.
Returns:A regular expression string that matches the captured character.


Functions to manipulate Python binary distribution archives.

The functions in this module are used to create, transform and install from binary distribution archives (which are not supported by tools like easy_install and pip).

class pip_accel.bdist.BinaryDistributionManager(config)

Generates and transforms Python binary distributions.


Initialize the binary distribution manager.

Parameters:config – The pip-accel configuration (a Config object).

Get or create a cached binary distribution archive.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:An iterable of tuples with two values each: A tarfile.TarInfo object and a file-like object.

Gets the cached binary distribution that was previously built for the given requirement. If no binary distribution has been cached yet, a new binary distribution is built and added to the cache.

Uses build_binary_dist() to build binary distribution archives. If this fails with a build error get_binary_dist() will use SystemPackageManager to check for and install missing system packages and retry the build when missing system packages were installed.

needs_invalidation(requirement, cache_file)

Check whether a cached binary distribution needs to be invalidated.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • cache_file – The pathname of a cached binary distribution (a string).

True if the cached binary distribution needs to be invalidated, False otherwise.


Get the checksum of the input used to generate a binary distribution archive.

Parameters:cache_file – The pathname of the binary distribution archive (a string).
Returns:The checksum (a string) or None (when no checksum is available).
persist_checksum(requirement, cache_file)

Persist the checksum of the input used to generate a binary distribution.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • cache_file – The pathname of a cached binary distribution (a string).


The checksum is only calculated and persisted when trust_mod_times is False.


Build a binary distribution archive from an unpacked source distribution.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:The pathname of a binary distribution archive (a string).
Raises:BinaryDistributionError when the original command and the fall back both fail to produce a binary distribution archive.

This method uses the following command to build binary distributions:

$ python bdist_dumb --format=tar

This command can fail for two main reasons:

  1. The package is missing binary dependencies.
  2. The script doesn’t (properly) implement bdist_dumb binary distribution format support.

The first case is dealt with in get_binary_dist(). To deal with the second case this method falls back to the following command:

$ python bdist

This fall back is almost never needed, but there are Python packages out there which require this fall back (this method was added because the installation of Paver==1.2.3 failed, see issue 37 for details about that).

build_binary_dist_helper(requirement, setup_command)

Convert an unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • setup_command – A list of strings with the arguments to

The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).


BuildFailed when the build reports an error (e.g. because of missing binary dependencies like system libraries).


NoBuildOutput when the build does not produce the expected binary distribution archive.


Transform binary distributions into a form that can be cached for future use.

Parameters:archive_path – The pathname of the original binary distribution archive.
Returns:An iterable of tuples with two values each:
  1. A tarfile.TarInfo object.
  2. A file-like object.

This method transforms a binary distribution archive created by build_binary_dist() into a form that can be cached for future use. This comes down to making the pathnames inside the archive relative to the prefix that the binary distribution was built for.

install_binary_dist(members, virtualenv_compatible=True, prefix=None, python=None, track_installed_files=False)

Install a binary distribution into the given prefix.

  • members

    An iterable of tuples with two values each:

    1. A tarfile.TarInfo object.
    2. A file-like object.
  • prefix – The “prefix” under which the requirements should be installed. This will be a pathname like /usr, /usr/local or the pathname of a virtual environment. Defaults to Config.install_prefix.
  • python – The pathname of the Python executable to use in the shebang line of all executable Python scripts inside the binary distribution. Defaults to Config.python_executable.
  • virtualenv_compatible – Whether to enable workarounds to make the resulting filenames compatible with virtual environments (defaults to True).
  • track_installed_files – If this is True (not the default for this method because of backwards compatibility) pip-accel will create installed-files.txt as required by pip to properly uninstall packages.

This method installs a binary distribution created by build_binary_dist() into the given prefix (a directory like /usr, /usr/local or a virtual environment).

fix_hashbang(contents, python)

Rewrite hashbangs to use the correct Python executable.

  • contents – The contents of the script whose hashbang should be fixed (a string).
  • python – The absolute pathname of the Python executable (a string).

The modified contents of the script (a string).


Track the files installed by a package so pip knows how to remove the package.

This method is used by install_binary_dist() (which collects the list of installed files for update_installed_files()).

Parameters:installed_files – A list of absolute pathnames (strings) with the files that were just installed.


Support for multiple cache backends.

This module defines an abstract base class (AbstractCacheBackend) to be inherited by custom cache backends in order to easily integrate them in pip-accel. The cache backends included in pip-accel are built on top of the same mechanism.

Additionally this module defines CacheManager which makes it possible to merge the available cache backends into a single logical cache which automatically disables backends that report errors.

class pip_accel.caches.CacheBackendMeta(name, bases, dict)

Metaclass to intercept cache backend definitions.

__init__(name, bases, dict)

Intercept cache backend definitions.

class pip_accel.caches.AbstractCacheBackend(config)

Abstract base class for implementations of pip-accel cache backends.

Subclasses of this class are used by pip-accel to store Python distribution archives in order to accelerate performance and gain independence of external systems like PyPI and distribution sites.


This base class automatically registers subclasses at definition time, providing a simple and elegant registration mechanism for custom backends. This technique uses metaclasses and was originally based on the article Using Metaclasses to Create Self-Registering Plugins.

I’ve since had to introduce some additional magic to make this mechanism compatible with both Python 2.x and Python 3.x because the syntax for metaclasses is very much incompatible and I refuse to write separate implementations for both :-).


Initialize a cache backend.

Parameters:config – The pip-accel configuration (a Config object).

Get a previously cached distribution archive from the cache.

Parameters:filename – The expected filename of the distribution archive (a string).
Returns:The absolute pathname of a local file or None when the distribution archive hasn’t been cached.

This method is called by pip-accel before fetching or building a distribution archive, in order to check whether a previously cached distribution archive is available for re-use.

put(filename, handle)

Store a newly built distribution archive in the cache.

  • filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
  • handle – A file-like object that provides access to the distribution archive.

This method is called by pip-accel after fetching or building a distribution archive, in order to cache the distribution archive.


Generate a textual representation of the cache backend.

class pip_accel.caches.CacheManager(config)

Interface to treat multiple cache backends as a single one.

The cache manager automatically disables cache backends that raise exceptions on get() and put() operations.


Initialize a cache manager.

Automatically initializes instances of all registered cache backends based on setuptools’ support for entry points which makes it possible for external Python packages to register additional cache backends without any modifications to pip-accel.

Parameters:config – The pip-accel configuration (a Config object).

Get a distribution archive from any of the available caches.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:The absolute pathname of a local file or None when the distribution archive is missing from all available caches.
put(requirement, handle)

Store a distribution archive in all of the available caches.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • handle – A file-like object that provides access to the distribution archive.

Generate a distribution archive filename for a package.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:The filename of the distribution archive (a string) including a single leading directory component to indicate the cache format revision.


Local file system cache backend.

This module implements the local cache backend which stores distribution archives on the local file system. This is a very simple cache backend, all it does is create directories and write local files. The only trick here is that new binary distribution archives are written to temporary files which are then moved into place atomically using os.rename() to avoid partial reads caused by running multiple invocations of pip-accel at the same time (which happened in issue 25).

class pip_accel.caches.local.LocalCacheBackend(config)

The local cache backend stores Python distribution archives on the local file system.


Check if a distribution archive exists in the local cache.

Parameters:filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
Returns:The pathname of a distribution archive on the local file system or None.
put(filename, handle)

Store a distribution archive in the local cache.

  • filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
  • handle – A file-like object that provides access to the distribution archive.


Amazon S3 cache backend.

This module implements a cache backend that stores distribution archives in a user defined Amazon S3 bucket. To enable this backend you need to define the configuration option s3_cache_bucket and configure your Amazon S3 API credentials (see the readme for details).

Using S3 compatible storage services

The Amazon S3 API has been implemented in several open source projects and dozens of online services. To use pip-accel with an S3 compatible storage service you can override the s3_cache_url option. The pip-accel test suite actually uses this option to test the S3 cache backend by running FakeS3 in the background and pointing pip-accel at the FakeS3 server. Below are some usage notes that may be relevant for people evaluating this option.

Secure connections
Boto has to be told whether to make a “secure” connection to the S3 API and pip-accel assumes the https:// URL scheme implies a secure connection while the http:// URL scheme implies a non-secure connection.
Calling formats
Boto has the concept of “calling formats” for the S3 API and to connect to the official Amazon S3 API pip-accel needs to specify the “sub-domain calling format” or the API calls will fail. When you specify a nonstandard S3 API URL pip-accel tells Boto to use the “ordinary calling format” instead. This differentiation will undoubtedly not be correct in all cases. If this is bothering you then feel free to open an issue on GitHub to make pip-accel more flexible in this regard.
If you don’t specify S3 API credentials and the connection attempt to S3 fails with “NoAuthHandlerFound: No handler was ready to authenticate” pip-accel will fall back to an anonymous connection attempt. If that fails as well the S3 cache backend is disabled. It may be useful to note here that the pip-accel test suite uses FakeS3 and the anonymous connection fall back works fine.

A note about robustness

The Amazon S3 cache backend implemented in pip_accel.caches.s3 is specifically written to gracefully disable itself when it encounters known errors such as:

  • The configuration option s3_cache_bucket is not set (i.e. the user hasn’t configured the backend yet).
  • The boto package is not installed (i.e. the user ran pip install pip-accel instead of pip install 'pip-accel[s3]').
  • The connection to the S3 API can’t be established (e.g. because API credentials haven’t been correctly configured).
  • The connection to the configured S3 bucket can’t be established (e.g. because the bucket doesn’t exist or the configured credentials don’t provide access to the bucket).

Additionally CacheManager automatically disables cache backends that raise exceptions on get() and put() operations. The end result is that when the S3 backend fails you will just revert to using the cache on the local file system.

Optionally if you are using read only credentials you can disable put() operations by setting the configuration option s3_cache_readonly.

class pip_accel.caches.s3.S3CacheBackend(config)

The S3 cache backend stores distribution archives in a user defined Amazon S3 bucket.


Download a distribution archive from the configured Amazon S3 bucket.

Parameters:filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
Returns:The pathname of a distribution archive on the local file system or None.
Raises:CacheBackendError when any underlying method fails.
put(filename, handle)

Upload a distribution archive to the configured Amazon S3 bucket.

If the s3_cache_readonly configuration option is enabled this method does nothing.

  • filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
  • handle – A file-like object that provides access to the distribution archive.

CacheBackendError when any underlying method fails.


Connect to the user defined Amazon S3 bucket.

Called on demand by get() and put(). Caches its return value so that only a single connection is created.

Returns:A boto.s3.bucket.Bucket object.
Raises:CacheBackendDisabledError when the user hasn’t defined Config.s3_cache_bucket.
Raises:CacheBackendError when the connection to the Amazon S3 bucket fails.

Connect to the Amazon S3 API.

If the connection attempt fails because Boto can’t find credentials the attempt is retried once with an anonymous connection.

Called on demand by s3_bucket.

Returns:A boto.s3.connection.S3Connection object.
Raises:CacheBackendError when the connection to the Amazon S3 API fails.

Compose an S3 cache key based on Config.s3_cache_prefix and the given filename.

Parameters:filename – The filename of the distribution archive (a string).
Returns:The cache key for the given filename (a string).

Validate the prerequisites required to use the Amazon S3 cache backend.

Makes sure the Amazon S3 cache backend is configured (Config.s3_cache_bucket is defined by the user) and boto is available for use.

Raises:CacheBackendDisabledError when a prerequisite fails.
class pip_accel.caches.s3.PatchedBotoConfig

Monkey patch for Boto’s configuration handling.

Boto’s configuration handling is kind of broken on Python 3 as documented here. The PatchedBotoConfig class implements a context manager that temporarily patches Boto to work around the bug.

Without this monkey patch it is impossible to configure the number of retries on Python 3 which makes the pip-accel test suite horribly slow.


Initialize a PatchedBotoConfig object.

get(section, name, default=None, **kw)

Replacement for boto.pyami.config.Config.get().


System package dependency handling.

The pip_accel.deps module is an extension of pip-accel that deals with dependencies on system packages. Currently only Debian Linux and derivative Linux distributions are supported by this extension but it should be fairly easy to add support for other platforms.

The interface between pip-accel and SystemPackageManager focuses on install_dependencies() (the other methods are used internally).

class pip_accel.deps.SystemPackageManager(config)

Interface to the system’s package manager.


Initialize the system package dependency manager.

Parameters:config – The pip-accel configuration (a Config object).

Install missing dependencies for the given requirement.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:True when missing system packages were installed, False otherwise.
Raises:DependencyInstallationRefused when automatic installation is disabled or refused by the operator.
Raises:DependencyInstallationFailed when the installation of missing system packages fails.

If pip-accel fails to build a binary distribution, it will call this method as a last chance to install missing dependencies. If this function does not raise an exception, pip-accel will retry the build once.


Find missing dependencies of a Python package.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:A list of strings with system package names.

Find the known dependencies of a Python package.

Parameters:requirement – A Requirement object.
Returns:A list of strings with system package names.

Find the installed system packages.

Returns:A list of strings with system package names.
Raises:SystemDependencyError when the command to list the installed system packages fails.
installation_refused(requirement, missing_dependencies, reason)

Raise DependencyInstallationRefused with a user friendly message.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • missing_dependencies – A list of strings with missing dependencies.
  • reason – The reason why installation was refused (a string).
confirm_installation(requirement, missing_dependencies, install_command)

Ask the operator’s permission to install missing system packages.

  • requirement – A Requirement object.
  • missing_dependencies – A list of strings with missing dependencies.
  • install_command – A list of strings with the command line needed to install the missing dependencies.

DependencyInstallationRefused when the operator refuses.


Utility functions for the pip accelerator.

The pip_accel.utils module defines several miscellaneous/utility functions that are used throughout pip_accel but don’t really belong with any single module.

pip_accel.utils.compact(text, **kw)

Compact whitespace in a string and format any keyword arguments into the string.

  • text – The text to compact (a string).
  • kw – Any keyword arguments to apply using str.format().

The compacted, formatted string.

The whitespace compaction preserves paragraphs.


Expand the home directory in a pathname based on the effective user id.

Parameters:pathname – A pathname that may start with ~/, indicating the path should be interpreted as being relative to the home directory of the current (effective) user.
Returns:The (modified) pathname.

This function is a variant of os.path.expanduser() that doesn’t use $HOME but instead uses the home directory of the effective user id. This is basically a workaround for sudo -s not resetting $HOME.


Create a file:... URL from a local pathname.

Parameters:pathname – The pathname of a local file or directory (a string).
Returns:A URL that refers to the local file or directory (a string).

Look up the home directory of the effective user id.

Returns:The pathname of the home directory (a string).


On Windows this uses the %APPDATA% environment variable (if available) and otherwise falls back to ~/Application Data.


Detect whether we’re running with super user privileges.


Get a string identifying the currently running Python version.

This function generates a string that uniquely identifies the currently running Python implementation and version. The Python implementation is discovered using platform.python_implementation() and the major and minor version numbers are extracted from sys.version_info.

Returns:A string containing the name of the Python implementation and the major and minor version numbers.


>>> from pip_accel.utils import get_python_version
>>> get_python_version()
pip_accel.utils.makedirs(path, mode=511)

Create a directory if it doesn’t already exist (keeping concurrency in mind).

  • path – The pathname of the directory to create (a string).
  • mode – The mode to apply to newly created directories (an integer, defaults to the octal number 0777).

True when the directory was created, False if it already existed.


Any exceptions raised by os.makedirs() except for errno.EEXIST (this error is swallowed and False is returned instead).

pip_accel.utils.same_directories(path1, path2)

Check if two pathnames refer to the same directory.

  • path1 – The first pathname (a string).
  • path2 – The second pathname (a string).

True if both pathnames refer to the same directory, False otherwise.

pip_accel.utils.hash_files(method, *files)

Calculate the hexadecimal digest of one or more local files.

  • method – The hash method (a string, given to
  • files – The pathname(s) of file(s) to hash (zero or more strings).

The calculated hex digest (a string).

pip_accel.utils.replace_file(src, dst)

Overwrite a file (in an atomic fashion when possible).

  • src – The pathname of the source file (a string).
  • dst – The pathname of the destination file (a string).
class pip_accel.utils.AtomicReplace(filename)

Context manager to atomically replace a file’s contents.


Initialize a AtomicReplace object.

Parameters:filename – The pathname of the file to replace (a string).

Prepare to replace the file’s contents.

Returns:The pathname of a temporary file in the same directory as the file to replace (a string). Using this temporary file ensures that replace_file() doesn’t fail due to a cross-device rename operation.
__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Replace the file’s contents (if no exception occurred) using replace_file().


Check whether a requirement is installed.

Parameters:expr – A requirement specification similar to those used in pip requirement files (a string).
Returns:True if the requirement is available (installed), False otherwise.

Check whether a package is installed in the current environment.

Parameters:package_name – The name of the package (a string).
Returns:True if the package is installed, False otherwise.

Uninstall one or more packages using the Python equivalent of pip uninstall --yes.

The package(s) to uninstall must be installed, otherwise pip will raise an UninstallationError. You can check for installed packages using is_installed().

Parameters:package_names – The names of one or more Python packages (strings).
pip_accel.utils.match_option(argument, short_option, long_option)

Match a command line argument against a short and long option.

  • argument – The command line argument (a string).
  • short_option – The short option (a string).
  • long_option – The long option (a string).

True if the argument matches, False otherwise.


Check if a command line argument is a short option.

Parameters:argument – The command line argument (a string).
Returns:True if the argument is a short option, False otherwise.
pip_accel.utils.match_option_with_value(arguments, option, value)

Check if a list of command line options contains an option with a value.

  • arguments – The command line arguments (a list of strings).
  • option – The long option (a string).
  • value – The expected value (a string).

True if the command line contains the option/value pair, False otherwise.

pip_accel.utils.contains_sublist(lst, sublst)

Check if one list contains the items from another list (in the same order).

  • lst – The main list.
  • sublist – The sublist to check for.

True if the main list contains the items from the sublist in the same order, False otherwise.

Based on this StackOverflow answer.


Exceptions for structured error handling.

This module defines named exceptions raised by pip-accel when it encounters error conditions that:

  1. Already require structured handling inside pip-accel
  2. May require structured handling by callers of pip-accel

Yes, I know, I just made your lovely and elegant Python look a whole lot like Java! I guess the message to take away here is that (in my opinion) structured error handling helps to build robust software that acknowledges failures exist and tries to deal with them (even if only by clearly recognizing a problem and giving up when there’s nothing useful to do!).

Hierarchy of exceptions

If you’re interested in implementing structured handling of exceptions reported by pip-accel the following diagram may help by visualizing the hierarchy:

Inheritance diagram of EnvironmentMismatchError, UnknownDistributionFormat, InvalidSourceDistribution, BuildFailed, NoBuildOutput, CacheBackendError, CacheBackendDisabledError, DependencyInstallationRefused, DependencyInstallationFailed
exception pip_accel.exceptions.PipAcceleratorError(text, **kw)

Base exception for all exception types explicitly raised by pip_accel.

__init__(text, **kw)

Initialize a PipAcceleratorError object.

Accepts the same arguments as compact().

exception pip_accel.exceptions.NothingToDoError(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised on empty requirement sets.

Raised by get_pip_requirement_set() when pip doesn’t report an error but also doesn’t generate a requirement set (this happens when the user specifies an empty requirements file).

exception pip_accel.exceptions.EnvironmentMismatchError(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when a cross-environment action is attempted.

Raised by validate_environment() when it detects a mismatch between sys.prefix and $VIRTUAL_ENV.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.UnknownDistributionFormat(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised on unrecognized distribution archives.

Raised by is_wheel when it cannot discern whether a given unpacked distribution is a source distribution or a wheel distribution.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.BinaryDistributionError(text, **kw)

Base class for exceptions related to the generation of binary distributions.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.InvalidSourceDistribution(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when a source distribution’s setup script is missing.

Raised by build_binary_dist() when the given directory doesn’t contain a Python source distribution.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.BuildFailed(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when a binary distribution build fails.

Raised by build_binary_dist() when a binary distribution build fails.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.NoBuildOutput(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when binary distribution builds don’t generate an archive.

Raised by build_binary_dist() when a binary distribution build fails to produce the expected binary distribution archive.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.CacheBackendError(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised by cache backends when they fail in a controlled manner.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.CacheBackendDisabledError(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised by cache backends when they require configuration.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.SystemDependencyError(text, **kw)

Base class for exceptions related to missing system packages.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.DependencyInstallationRefused(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when installation of dependencies is refused.

Raised by SystemPackageManager when one or more known to be required system packages are missing and automatic installation of missing dependencies is disabled by the operator.

exception pip_accel.exceptions.DependencyInstallationFailed(text, **kw)

Custom exception raised when installation of dependencies fails.

Raised by SystemPackageManager when the installation of missing system packages fails.


Test suite for the pip accelerator.

I’ve decided to include the test suite in the online documentation of the pip accelerator and I realize this may be somewhat unconventional... My reason for this is to enforce the same level of code quality (which obviously includes documentation) for the test suite that I require from myself and contributors for the other parts of the pip-accel project (and my other open source projects).

A second and more subtle reason is because of a tendency I’ve noticed in a lot of my projects: Useful “miscellaneous” functionality is born in test suites and eventually makes its way to the public API of the project in question. By writing documentation up front I’m saving my future self time. That may sound silly, but consider that writing documentation is a lot easier when you don’t have to do so retroactively.


Initialize verbose logging to the terminal.


Cleanup any temporary directories created by create_temporary_directory().

pip_accel.tests.delete_read_only(action, pathname, exc_info)

Force removal of read only files on Windows.

Based on Needed because of


Create a temporary directory that will be cleaned up when the test suite ends.

Parameters:kw – Any keyword arguments are passed on to tempfile.mkdtemp().
Returns:The pathname of a directory created using tempfile.mkdtemp() (a string).
class pip_accel.tests.PipAccelTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Container for the tests in the pip-accel test suite.


Reset logging verbosity before each test.

skipTest(text, *args, **kw)

Enable backwards compatible “marking of tests to skip”.

By calling this method from a return statement in the test to be skipped the test can be marked as skipped when possible, without breaking the test suite when unittest.TestCase.skipTest() isn’t available.

initialize_pip_accel(load_environment_variables=False, **overrides)

Construct an isolated pip accelerator instance.

The pip-accel instance will not load configuration files but it may load environment variables because that’s how FakeS3 is enabled on Travis CI (and in my local tests).

  • load_environment_variables – If True the pip-accel instance will load environment variables (not the default).
  • overrides – Any keyword arguments are set as properties on the Config instance (overrides for configuration defaults).

Test filename translation logic used by pip_accel.req.Requirement.related_archives.

The pip_accel.req.escape_name() function generates regular expression patterns that match the given requirement name literally while treating dashes and underscores as equivalent. This test ensures that the generated regular expression patterns work as expected.


Test the validation of sys.prefix versus $VIRTUAL_ENV.

This tests the validate_environment() method.


Test that configuration options can be overridden in the Python API.


Test error handling during loading of configuration files.

This tests the load_configuration_file() method.

Verify that broken symbolic links in the source index are cleaned up.

This tests the clean_source_index() method.


Verify pip-accel’s “keeping pip off the internet” logic using an empty cache.

This test downloads, builds and installs pep8 1.6.2 to verify that pip-accel keeps pip off the internet when intended.


Test installation of newer versions over older versions.


Test installation of older versions over newer version (package downgrades).


Verify the successful usage of the S3 cache backend.

This test downloads, builds and installs pep8 1.6.2 several times to verify that the S3 cache backend works. It depends on FakeS3.

This test uses a temporary binary index which it wipes after a successful installation and then it installs the exact same package again to test the code path that gets a cached binary distribution archive from the S3 cache backend.


This test abuses FakeS3 in several ways to simulate the handling of error conditions (it’s not pretty but it is effective because it significantly increases the coverage of the S3 cache backend):

  1. First the FakeS3 root directory is made read only to force an error when uploading to S3. This is to test the automatic fall back to a read only S3 bucket.
  2. Then FakeS3 is terminated to force a failure in the S3 cache backend. This verifies that pip-accel handles the failure of an “optional” cache backend gracefully.

Test the installation of a package from a wheel distribution.

This test installs Paver 1.2.4 (a random package without dependencies that I noticed is available as a Python 2.x and Python 3.x compatible wheel archive on PyPI).


Verify that fall back from bdist_dumb to bdist action works.

This test verifies that pip-accel properly handles scripts that break python bdist_dumb but support python bdist as a fall back. This issue was originally reported based on Paver==1.2.3 in issue 37, so that’s the package used for this test.


Verify that tracking of installed files works correctly.

This tests the update_installed_files() method.

When pip installs a Python package it also creates a file called installed-files.txt that contains the pathnames of the files that were installed. This file enables pip to uninstall Python packages later on. Because pip-accel implements its own package installation it also creates the installed-files.txt file, in order to enable the user to uninstall a package with pip even if the package was installed using pip-accel.


Test that scripts are always evaluated using setuptools.

This test installs docutils==0.12 as a sample package whose script uses distutils instead of setuptools. Because pip and pip-accel unconditionally evaluate scripts using setuptools instead of distutils the resulting installation should have an *.egg-info metadata directory instead of a file (which is what this test verifies).


Test the public properties of pip_accel.req.Requirement objects.

This test confirms (amongst other things) that the logic which distinguishes transitive requirements from non-transitive (direct) requirements works correctly (and keeps working as expected :-).


Test the installation of editable packages using pip install --editable.

This test clones the git repository of the Python package pep8 and installs the package as an editable package.

We want to import the pep8 module to confirm that it was properly installed but we can’t do that in the process that’s running the test suite because it will fail with an import error. Python subprocesses however will import the pep8 module just fine.

This happens because easy-install.pth (used for editable packages) is loaded once during startup of the Python interpreter and never refreshed. There’s no public, documented way that I know of to refresh sys.path (see issue 402 in the Gunicorn issue tracker for a related discussion).


Test that pip_accel.SetupRequiresPatch works as expected.

This test is a bit convoluted because I haven’t been able to find a simpler way to ensure that setup requirements can be re-used from the .eggs directory managed by pip-accel. A side effect inside the setup script seems to be required, but the setuptools sandbox forbids writing to files outside the build directory so an external command needs to be used ...

generate_package(name, version, source_index, tracker_script, find_links=None, setup_requires=[])

Helper for test_setup_requires_caching() to generate temporary Python packages.


Test default cache invalidation logic (based on modification times).

When a source distribution archive is changed the cached binary distribution archive is invalidated and rebuilt. This test ensures that the default cache invalidation logic (based on modification times of files) works as expected.


Test alternate cache invalidation logic (based on checksums).

When a source distribution archive is changed the cached binary distribution archive is invalidated and rebuilt. This test ensures that the alternate cache invalidation logic (based on SHA1 checksums of files) works as expected.


Test cache invalidation with the given option(s).


Test the pip-accel command line interface by installing a trivial package.

This test provides some test coverage for the pip-accel command line interface, to make sure the command line interface works on all supported versions of Python.


Test the pip-accel command line usage message.


Make sure python -m pip_accel ... works.


Test support for constraint files.

With the pip 7.x upgrade support for constraint files was added to pip. Due to the way this was implemented in pip the use of constraint files would break pip-accel as reported in issue 63. The issue was since fixed and this test makes sure constraint files remain supported.


Test handling of empty requirements files.

Old versions of pip-accel would raise an internal exception when an empty requirements file was given. This was reported in issue 47 and it was pointed out that pip reports a warning but exits with return code zero. This test makes sure pip-accel now handles empty requirements files the same way pip does.


Test the (automatic) installation of required system packages.

This test installs cffi 0.8.6 to confirm that the system packages required by cffi are automatically installed by pip-accel to make the build of cffi succeed.


This test forces the removal of the system package libffi-dev before it tries to install cffi, because without this nasty hack the test would only install required system packages on the first run, because on later runs the required system packages would already be installed. Because of this very non conventional behavior the test is skipped unless the environment variable PIP_ACCEL_TEST_AUTO_INSTALL=yes is set (opt-in).


Test that unsupported platforms are handled gracefully in system package dependency management.


The pathname of a git clone of the pep8 package (None if git fails).


Delete and recreate a directory.

Parameters:pathname – The directory’s pathname (a string).

Create a source distribution archive from a Python package.

Parameters:sources – A dictionary containing a script (a string).
Returns:The pathname of the generated archive (a string).

Remove an installed Python package by running pip as a subprocess.

Parameters:package_name – The name of the package (a string).

This function is specifically for use in the pip-accel test suite to reliably uninstall a Python package installed in the current environment while avoiding issues caused by stale data in pip and the packages it uses internally. Doesn’t complain if the package isn’t installed to begin with.

pip_accel.tests.find_installed_version(package_name, encoding='UTF-8')

Find the version of an installed package (in a subprocess).

Parameters:package_name – The name of the package (a string).
Returns:The package’s version (a string) or None if the package can’t be found.

This function is specifically for use in the pip-accel test suite to reliably determine the installed version of a Python package in the current environment while avoiding issues caused by stale data in pip and the packages it uses internally.

pip_accel.tests.find_one_file(directory, pattern)

Use find_files() to find a file and make sure a single file is matched.

  • directory – The pathname of the directory to be searched (a string).
  • pattern – The filename pattern to match (a string).

The matched pathname (a string).


AssertionError when no file or more than one file is matched.

pip_accel.tests.find_files(directory, pattern)

Find files whose pathname contains the given substring.

  • directory – The pathname of the directory to be searched (a string).
  • pattern – The filename pattern to match (a string).

A generator of pathnames (strings).


Test that a Python program (installed in the current environment) runs successfully.

This assumes that the program supports the --help option, because the program is executed with the --help argument to verify that the program runs (--help was chose because it implies a lack of side effects).

Parameters:program_name – The base name of the program to test (a string). The absolute pathname will be calculated by combining sys.prefix and this argument.
Raises:AssertionError when a test fails.

Get the absolute pathname of a Python program installed in the current environment.

Parameters:name – The base name of the program (a string).
Returns:The absolute pathname of the program (a string).

Generate a pathname that is expected not to exist.

Returns:A pathname (string) that doesn’t refer to an existing directory or file on the file system (assuming random.random() does what it’s documented to do :-).

Test the pip-accel command line interface.

Runs pip-accel’s command line interface inside the current Python process by temporarily changing sys.argv, invoking the pip_accel.cli.main() function and catching SystemExit.

Parameters:arguments – The value that sys.argv should be set to (a list of strings).
Returns:The exit code of pip-accel.
class pip_accel.tests.CaptureOutput

Context manager that captures what’s written to sys.stdout.


Initialize a string IO object to be used as sys.stdout.


Start capturing what’s written to sys.stdout.

__exit__(exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None)

Stop capturing what’s written to sys.stdout.


Get the text written to sys.stdout.

class pip_accel.tests.AptLock

Cross-process locking for critical sections to enable parallel execution of the test suite.


Initialize an AptLock object.

class pip_accel.tests.FakeS3Server(**options)

Subclass of ExternalCommand that manages a temporary FakeS3 server.


Initialize a FakeS3Server object.

root = None

The pathname of the temporary directory used to store the files required to run the FakeS3 server (a string).


Configuration options for pip-accel to connect with the FakeS3 server.

This is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the Config initializer to make pip-accel connect with the FakeS3 server.